Add your thesis or dissertation to AgEcon Search

If your thesis or dissertation is not currently available online, we welcome you to include it in AgEcon Search.

If you have a digital copy, e-mail the pdf to us at and we will upload it for you.

If you do not have a digital copy but your thesis or dissertation is listed in ProQuest Digital Dissertations, they will supply you with one.

If you are not sure if your thesis or dissertation is listed in Digital Dissertations, send us an email and we will check for you.

If you do not have an e-copy and your thesis or dissertation is NOT in Digital Dissertations, please contact us. We would be happy to scan and upload your personal copy or a copy we obtain via interlibrary. If you’d like to make a contribution to help cover our costs for this service, please send a check made out to the University of Minnesota Foundation to the address on our Contact page.

Thank you for considering making your thesis and/or dissertation freely available.