

A program’s impact evaluation requires the identification of the evaluation criteria and the indicators to measure changes in these criteria. In the case of INDAP’s Individual Loan Program, the evaluation must not only consider how efficient money is lent or recovered, but also how the loan affects the beneficiaries, because productive development is fundamental for INDAP’s mission. Experts, INDAP officials, and beneficiaries were asked to identify which were the impacts induced by the loans and which criteria could be used to evaluate these impacts. The criteria were classified at institutional, beneficiary and local level. The first ones relate to lending and loan recovery. The second with changes in production factors, productive process, financial situation, or quality of life. The local criteria are aggregated and relate to employment, association, migration, and welfare. The main problem in identifying and using these criteria and indicators relate to the difficulty of isolating the loan’s effect on the indicator, the commensurability of various indicators for one criteria, and the indicators’ measurement and interpretation.




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