

The study was designed and proposed because of the perception among the different actors linked to the field and therefore to agricultural activities, that there is no real integration between what globalization, sustainability and the use of technology in agricultural holdings to increase productivity and therefore food security. And what is even more serious is that there is a perception that the various agricultural producers, not only in this northern region of the State of Jalisco, but also in the rest of the state and the country in general, are unaware of the real meaning and scope of these terms. and what they could mean when management practices are implemented with this globalizing, sustainable and technological vision on increasing their productivity and therefore contributing to food security. It is a reality that there is very little information available about the meaning and significance of globalization and its influence on the implementation of sustainable practices and the technology implemented on agricultural farms and its impact on productivity; and even more about the differences found by type of producer, since the perception remains that, the greater the amount of economic resources and infrastructure available, the greater the vision and use of technology and therefore the greater quality in the production processes.




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