

More than twenty studies have been identified that are directly relevant to assessing the impact of Brexit on UK agriculture, almost all of which have appeared in the last two years. They differ in many respects, including: how many of the four major change elements (domestic policy, UK/EU trade arrangements, restrictions on migrant labour, and the regulatory burden) are considered and how they are specified; the data sources drawn upon and periods to which they relate; which UK countries are covered; the sophistication of the models used to assess changes in commodity prices; how the impacts at farm level are estimated (though some do not involve this stage and stop at aggregate level); the time horizon used, and so on. However, the three chosen for detailed presentation in this symposium share the following characteristics: • they use closely-specified scenarios to explore the possible post-Brexit UK situations • they produce independent and original results, and • they assess the impacts at farm level, with a breakdown at least by farming types Presenters will focus on the scenarios employed and the results generated. There will be opportunity in discussions to compare and contrast the approaches and their results.




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