

After the accession, as compared to the pre-accession period, the Polish agriculture witnessed a growth in the volume of products manufactured with the resources spent under intermediate consumption. Diffusion of innovations and progress related to it were among the significant reasons for the productivity growth. The phenomenon of growth in the volume of products produced with the resources spent under intermediate consumption overlapped with the effects of the accession, which brought, inter alia, a considerable increase in subsidies. This was the most important factor of improvement of the competitiveness of the Polish agriculture. If before 2004 only about 25,000 farms showed any features pointing to competitive capacity, in 2007 there were already 290,000-300,000 farms of natural and legal persons, which demonstrated competitive capacity or any prospects to achieve it. It is estimated that they produce 50-60% of the national value of agricultural production. The impact of innovations on the progress taking place in the Polish agriculture could have been greater if there had been less farms failing to implement innovations. These were mainly smaller farms, but this group also included about 1/3 of farms with an area of 8 or more ESU.




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