

Cotton has been considered as the main cash crop for the Egyptian farmer the main exported agricultural crop and the main supplier of the textile industry in Egypt which has employed with the supporting industries more than one million workers and invested 26 billion Egyptian points as well as has exported about 40% of its output 0" the other hand the cotton seed provides cotton seed cake and meal as the major feed ingredient to the domestic livestock production as a byproduct of the edible oil extraction The later is currently exported at high price to import much more quantities of cheaper oil to fulfill significantly the gap of edible oil between domestic production and consumption in Egypt. Even though such main crop has faced difficulties after the economic liberalization policies of the Egyptian market . Rapid increase in costs of production associated with shrinkage in the cotton acreage faced low farm price and retardation in the price and quantities exported. Therefore the study analyzed the trends of the international markets of the Egyptian cotton using some major indicators over the period (1990 •200) These indicators include the 'Apparent Comparative Advantage Rate '(ACR) of cotton versus other major exported agricultural crops. The structure of the Egyptian cotton export markets, with special upon the "NAFTA, European Union and Arab league countries 'versus the rest of the world. The average rate of growth in quantities and prices were also estimates, the rate of stability of the markets as well as the stability in the export quantities and prices were also estimated and compared among and within the major market areas. Results showed that although cotton is the major exportable crop, it is fare preceded by potato in terms of the comparative advantage .The share of the three concerned economic groups .i.e., NAFT A, EU and Arab countries is not more than one fourth of the annual average total exported quantities over the period (1990-2003) While the share of Arab countries and NAFTA were 0.5% and 5.8% their trends were unstable . The share of EU was 1807 % with regular annual export (market stability rate was 100%» Therefore, the majority of the demand for the Egyptian cotton export market is still out of the Western Europe, American and Arab countries. Whereas the price of the Egyptian cotton in the EU market is 41 % higher than its international market price it is 8 % higher in the NAFT A market and 11 % less in the rest of the world market Accordingly the EU market, followed by American market, provides a very high comparative advantage for the Egyptian cotton if the export promotion program succeeds in expanding the quantities to such regions. Germany, France, Greece3 and Portugal are the major markets of the Egyptian cotton within EU. Although the three is an apparent high growth rate in the exported quantities to those countries there are full instability in both the export quantities and prices to ED markets over the period (1990-2003)"s




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