

The objective of the study was to characterize the quality attributes of two varieties papaya varieties (Solo and Local) produced in Santiago, Cape Verde, and define the attributes that the distributors are looking for. Physicochemical assessments, sensory evaluation and a market study were carried out. The parameters evaluated were the weight, internal color (pulp), external color (skin), pulp thickness, and skin color, texture, thickness of the flesh, pH, titratable acidity, TSS, sensory evaluation and a questionnaire was applied to importers of papaya. The parameters TSS, acidity, pH and weight vary significantly within varieties and papayas of Local variety are heavier. The texture varies depending on the degree of ripeness, firmness shows a decrease during ripening, for deformation a decrease is noticed with advancing of maturation, the external and internal color differences are in the interaction between Variety x Maturation. In the sensorial evaluation, Solo variety was more valued as was price, certification/quality seal quality and sweetness valued by distributors.




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