

The goal of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of applying the Quick Response Freight Manual (QRFM) to model freight transportation in a medium sized urban community. Typically, freight transportation needs are not included in the travel demand models developed and maintained for small and medium sized urban communities, or if freight is included in the model, it is often incorporated through rudimentary means or as an after-thought. Previously, the neglect of freight was justifiable as passenger car transportation was the primary focus of roadway improvements. However, the ever-increasing volume of freight movements, coupled with manufacturers implementing cost saving strategies such as just-in-time delivery systems, have resulted in community infrastructure needs and investment decisions tools that should include freight volumes as a component. This paper contains a case study using a medium sized urban area travel model and the QRFM trip generation methodology to provide a framework for freight planning in other communities that can be used to improve resource allocation decisions.




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