

El diseno e implementacion de una pagina web valorada positivamente por los usuarios, ya sean consumidores finales o empresas, puede convertirse en una de las principales ventajas competitivas de una compania en el desempeno de su actividad comercial. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en evaluar el diseno y grado de implementacion de los sitios web por parte de estas companias en Espana. Para ello, partiendo de una base de datos resultado de un trabajo de campo previo, se analiza la presencia de las mismas en la Red e identifica en los sitios web detectados la presencia de aquellos factores que, segun la literatura, son considerados fundamentales a la hora de conferir a los mismos una mayor calidad y eficiencia como canal de venta...The design and implementation of a web site valued positively by the users can become in one of the main competitive advantages of the second grade cooperatives in their commercial activity. One of the objectives of these companies is the commercialization of the products of their associate cooperatives. The aim of this paper consists on evaluating the design and content of the web site of these companies in Spain. To achieve this objective, we carried out a longitudinal study in which the presence in Internet of these companies is analyzed and it is identified the grade of presence of those factors, that according to the literature, are considered fundamental to reach the success in the online sale. The results indicate that in spite of the fact that the utility and the reach of the information given via web have improved during the last years, important deficit still exist in the sector.




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