

It is universally recognized that there is a need for increasing the amount of food available for human consumption, and at the same time, for improving the mechanisms of distribution, with views towards making it possible for people to gain access to that food. Some people have manifested doubts about the possibility of adequately feeding the total human population, given the present trend in population growth and the state of the arts. Others, the majority, believe that solutions exist but, however, readjustments in the traditional programs are required. The previous attitude of confidence about the feasibility of achieving targeted goals in population growth and food production, one the implementation of well known solutions were possible, has changed to one of greater awareness about the complexity of both problems. Reducing the loss of food that occurs from harvest until its consumption has become one of the strategic points towards which the efforts of a great many national and international institutions have been directed. Thus, the emphasis of some years ago in increasing production has been coupled with attempts to make sure that food is accessible to a larger mass of consumers. In this perspective, the reduction in food losses might be seen as having a double impact. By minimizing losses, a greater amount of food would be immediately available and, at the same time, as costs and prices of food are likely to be reduced, the effective demand might be raised. Food loss reduction would, then, help to close the gap between potential and actual demand for food.




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